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March 5, 2024

Discover the benefits of boxing training without fighting

Posted on March 5, 2024  •  4 minutes  • 652 words
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Boxing Training: Training without fighting

At IC Personal Training, we offer boxing training sessions to enhance the body’s ability to function cohesively, thanks to its emphasis on whole-body coordination.

We don’t focus on combat skills, as they offer limited benefits beyond knowing how to fight.

In this article, we will delve into the benefits of this type of training as evidenced by studies in the field.

Pad training and shadowboxing

Our training sessions involve a dynamic workout where our client wears boxing gloves and strikes padded targets, held by our coach.

This is a combination of shadowboxing with pads.

The trainer calls out combinations or drills for our client to perform, incorporating punches, and defensive maneuvers.

Pad training not only helps improve your eye-hand coordination, speed, power, and agility.study

But also helps with weight management and the development of muscle mass and aerobic capacity.

This study involved a sedentary individual engaging in an exercise program based exclusively on shadowboxing with pad training for 3 weeks.

These were the results:

⦁ Aerobic capacity increased by 7.1%

⦁ Resting heart rate decreased by a total of 30 bpm (from 78 to 48 bpm)

⦁ Basal metabolic rate increased by 67 calories and daily calorie intake increased by 137 calories.

⦁ Body mass and body weight didn’t change, but the body fat percentage decreased by 3.6%, and muscle mass increased by 6 lbs (2.72 kgs)

⦁ Total fat mass decreased by a total of 6.4 lb (2.9 kgs)

⦁ Total bone mass: Increased by a total of 0.2 lbs (from 7.8 lbs to 8.0 lbs)

⦁ Trunk muscle mass: Increased by a total of 3.6 lbs (1.6 kgs)

⦁ Trunk fat percentage: Decreased by a total of 5.1%

These results highlight the effectiveness of this exercise regimen for improving cardiovascular health, metabolic function, and body composition.

Not only boxing training is effective for physical development but also for functionality purposes.

Boxing training: Balance and footwork

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a highly prevalent neurodegenerative disease, one of its manifestations of it is gait instability.

This decrease in balance often leads to falling and injuries that could be fatal in some cases.

Two studies were conducted to measure how beneficial boxing training is for PD since it incorporates aerobics, balance, footwork, and stretching.

The first study took 98 participants with PD and made them a program based on boxing training for 16 months.

By training their balance and footwork, the average number of monthly self-reported falls decreased by 87%.

The second study found that total non-motor feature severity, depression, and motor features all improved significantly after a 12-week program solely based on shadow boxing.

This meant that not only did their balance improve, but also their mental health.

Using boxing training as a means to treat a serious illness like PD shows how effective it is in developing and recovering functionality in the body.

Clients results from boxing training

These are the improvements our clients saw when they started their training:

⦁ Improved cardiovascular health: By alternating intervals of low, middle, and intense bursts of activity.

⦁ Enhanced coordination and agility: By working with a coach and focusing on different pad drills that involves coordination, footwork, and agility.

⦁ Strength building and power: The impact of striking the pads helps build strength and power in various muscle groups, including the core, arms, and shoulders.

⦁ Increased speed and reaction time: By incorporating drills that requiere quick movements and rapid responses.

⦁ Stress Relief: Boxing training with pads can help reduce stress and tension by releasing endorphins and providing an outlet for frustration and aggression.

⦁ Enhanced focus and concentration: Pad work requires intense focus and concentration to accurately execute combinations and respond to cues from the trainer, leading to improved mental acuity.

⦁ Increased consistency: Boxing training with pads is dynamic, challenging, and engaging, making it an enjoyable way to stay active and motivated towards fitness goals.

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